
CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

The MiXto micro fractional CO2 skin resurfacing laser is a powerful tool for the treatment of several skin conditions.

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Suitable for:

✓ Young patients with severe acne scars
✓ Middle age patients with fine lines, wrinkles and age spots
✓ older patients with deeper wrinkles, age spots and first signs of sagging skin



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The MiXto micro fractional CO2 skin resurfacing laser is a powerful tool for the treatment of several skin conditions such as fine and coarse wrinkles, scars of various origin, uneven pigmentation, dilated pores and acne scarring.

The primary targets of laser skin resurfacing include:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles of the face, especially around the upper lip, cheeks and forehead
  • Loose eyelid skin
  • Crow’s feet around the eyes
  • Pucker marks (smoker’s lines) and frown lines
  • Brown spots, pigmentation, sun damage and splotchy, uneven skin tone
  • Scars, especially acne scars
  • Loose skin around the neck and jowls

The results of CO2 laser treatment are long-term and, with proper sun protection, can last for many years. Most effects of the treatment become visible right away, whereas others – such as new collagen formation – build up gradually and become more evident over time. Therefore results of the treatment are most apparent around 3 – 5 months after the procedure, although the results continue to develop even further following this period.

There are three distinct elements to the CO2 MiXto laser that together make it a fantastic tool for combating signs of ageing

Consequently, the MiXto Fractional CO2 laser delivers more results in a 30 minute treatment time compared to three other laser treatments with less downtime, less discomfort and overall cost.

The CO2 laser technology is the gold standard for achieving skin tightening. There is no other type of laser that can achieve the skin tightening required to remove lines and wrinkles and target sagging skin.
The fractional ability of this laser enables it to deliver energy in a scanning pattern rather than continuous beam. This reduces unnecessary heat build-up in the skin, allowing higher energy levels to be applied. The application of the laser in this controlled way allows the top layers of skin to vaporise and peel in a manner that provides quick recovery and significant improvement in terms of quality of skin. This improved skin quality is achieved by the body manufacturing collagen, simulating younger looking skin free from imperfections such as sun damage, pigmentation, wrinkles and lines.
It is the ‘micro’ fractional technology that makes this laser so successful compared to other fractional CO2 lasers as it delivers beams of energy, smaller in size but with even greater intensity that allows amazing results to be achieved with less downtime.


Our skin clinic specialises in a range of treatable conditions, from acne to wrinkles, and everything in between.

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CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

from £250 - £1900

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is MiXto SX Micro Fractional CO2 laser?


CO2 is a carbon dioxide laser that has been used for more than 25 years in the aesthetic industry for the treatment of conditions such as fine lines and deep wrinkles, scars of various origin, uneven pigmentation and dilated pores.

When the CO2 beam of light comes into contact with the epidermis (top layers of skin) it heats and vaporises the skin tissue, instantly removing the superficial layers of the skin, scars and wrinkles while smoothing out the surface of the skin. The skin remodeling occurs with new skin and collagen growth.

MiXto SX stands for the mixture between CO2 energy and fractional resurfacing, the SX stand for surgical because the laser can also be used to make a very clean incision without causing bleeding.

How does it work?


The MiXto SX gives the clinical practitioner more control to regulate the depth of penetration and the amount of heat delivered by the beam. The high speed scanner, driven by a patented technology, delivers laser energy in a fragmented and non-sequential way that minimises heat build up on the skin and discomfort, whilst allowing more energy to be delivered than would otherwise be allowable.

This process is repeated until the entire area is treated. Delivering energy this way allows maximum time for thermal cooling of the tissue, less pain for the patient and faster recovery!

Compared to traditional resurfacing, which involves removing all of skin tissue in single continuous CO2 laser treatment, this is a big step forward in technology for both the patient and the clinical practitioner.

How is this different than other laser treatments?


The CO2 MiXto laser delivers more results in a single treatment than other suppliers of laser systems can accomplish in three treatments, all with less discomfort, downtime and cost. The CO2 laser is also able to penetrate deeper into the skin, giving better resurfacing results and producing fresher, more even skin.

Does the CO2 treatment hurt?


We provide patients with topical anaesthetic which makes the treatment more comfortable to experience without unnecessary pain or stress, although patients should be aware that there is normally a slight stinging sensation at the time of treatment.

Patients are free to drive home once their skin have been treated with gel for protection against risk of infection. The immediate after effect is to experience mild discomfort for up to 1 hour and is similar to bad sunburn.

What Areas Can Be Treated?


Fractional treatment with the MiXto SX has been proven safe for the face, neck, chest, arms and hands. In fact it can be used on most parts of the skin that shows signs of sun damage, ageing or pigmentation.

How long is recovery?


Most patients are ready to go back to work after the third day as the peeling process would be finished and the skin will have healed. However, we know that many people would prefer to recover at home until more of the redness has subsided – normally over course of next couple of days. The final decision as to when patient do go back to work will depend on their lifestyle and the patient’s attitude to leaving home with glowing pink skin. Overall, the typical downtime is 4-5 days.

When do you see the results?


You can see results immediately as the CO2 laser’s wavelength targets and vaporizes the water held within the skin causing skin to contract. The patient can really see the benefit of skin tightening effect once the skin has peeled away. When we are doing the procedure you can immediately see the skin contract and shrink.

The quality of the skin texture continues to improve in the new skin over the coming months as the generation of new collagen simulates healthier and younger looking skin. The patient will continue to see the results develop for up to six months with new collagen regeneration that ‘plumps’ up the skin.

Who is the best candidate for this procedure?


There are three separate groups the CO2 laser applies to: the younger patient with severe acne scars, the middle-aged patient with wrinkles and age spots, and the older patient with wrinkles, age spots and pre-cancerous lesions.

Is it just for the face or can it be used on other areas of the body?


CO2 is most commonly used on the face but can be used on neck, chest, arms and hands.

Is the treatment expensive?


The new technology has actually brought the price down due without the compromising the results. This is a one-off treatment and is proven to be the most effective laser treatment available, so in the long term it is a very good value treatment.

What is the cost?


What are the Benefits of Co2 Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatment to the Patient?


✓ Immediate tightening: the immediate contraction of collagen fibres reduces wrinkles and loose skin.

✓ Immediate shrinkage of damaged skin, giving the appearance of a ‘facelift’

✓ Reduction in acne scarring or individual scars.

✓ Skin laxity is noticeably improved.

✓ Textural improvement which removes pigmentation problems, reduces pore size, wrinkles, acne scars, and other textural irregularities.

✓ It is effective on skin lesions e.g. discolouration from sun damage and ageing.

✓ Softens fine lines and wrinkles.

✓ Removes age and sun spots.

✓ New collagen production for up to one year following treatment.

✓ Minimal discomfort with topical anaesthetic cream.

✓ Minimal downtime: typically 5 days in total, of which 3 days are infection risk and the subsequent 2 days being ‘social downtime’ due to facial redness.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?


In most cases only one, but for deeper wrinkles and deep acne scars two or more treatments maybe required for optimum results and to meet more discerning patients’ needs.

In a single treatment, using the Fractional MiXto Skin Resurfacing laser can achieve the following:

1. Smooth acne scars
2. Reduce pigmentation and sun damage
3. Reduce wrinkles
4. Tighten loose skin
5. Stimulate new collagen production
6. Reduce Incidence of pre-cancerous actinic keratosis (pre-cancerous cells that may be invisible to the naked eye).

What Is It Like to Have the Mixto Treatment?


A detailed verbal and written explanation of what to expect at the time of MiXto CO2 treatment and subsequent recovery time will be provided at time of consultation with our clinician. The following is an overview to help patients decide whether they are prepared to undergo the short term inconvenience of downtime to achieve the long term benefits of gaining a clearer, smoother, healthier, younger looking skin.

Patients are given a prescription to administer two days prior to date of treatment to minimise risk of infection. On the day of treatment we provide patients with topical anaesthetic which makes the treatment more comfortable. Once numb, patients receive the treatment to the area causing them concern (normally the face, neck, hands or chest). Other areas of the body are treatable for skin resurfacing, normally to correct scarring.

Treatment times will typically be 30 to 60 minutes depending on the size of the treatment area and the number of treatment passes previously discussed, determined and documented in the patients care plan. After a cooling down period patients are treated with protective gel to protect against infection.

The immediate after effect is to experience mild discomfort for up to 1 hour which is similar to bad sunburn. Patients are free to drive home once they have been given reminder of post care instructions and supplied take home prescriptions.

What Are the Risks Associated with Fractional Co2 Treatment?


It is because the CO2 Laser treatment targets and transfers so much energy to the skin in this unique and controlled way that it is inevitable and indeed essential that three effects occur to ensure we get the change in the skin that we desire, namely:

1. Erythema (redness of skin): the laser-treated areas have a distinctive redness representing increased blood flow due to the growth of the superficial tissue and collagen. It will gradually fade during the first few days.
2. Inflammation (swelling): Treatment with the MiXto System presents a minimal amount of swelling that can last up to 24 hours.
3. Hyperpigmentation (tanning): This is presented normally on the third day of the procedure but then begins to shed and reveal younger healthy looking skin.

To combat the risk of a) infection and b) viral attack, patients are provided with both an antivirus prescription and antibiotics prescription. The course of prescription normally commences two days before the treatment and is taken for 3 days after treatment.

How Comfortable Is the Treatment?


Immediately after treatment patients do feel the heat on their skin, however this is made tolerable because of the effects of the topical anaesthetic applied prior to treatment. After the first hour there is no real discomfort and the patient soon focuses on application of gel to ensure skin remains moist at all times. The treated area will be red and remain swollen. The day after the treatment the redness and swelling subsides. Typically on Day 3 the skin feels itchy as the layers of skin start to peel. Patients are provided with ointment specifically to tackle and combat the effect of the itchiness which may last one day. Once peeling is complete and the skin healed on Day 3 there are no adverse effects to health however appearance may still be slightly red or pink in places.

Why Choose Co2?


CO2 is highly effective at addressing a number of concerns, and for many people it requires only one treatment. Other treatments do not go as deep and also require repeat treatments – usually a minimum of 3 sessions. Therefore overall recovery time is greater in comparison to the CO2 treatment offered at Skin Medical.

Why Choose Skin Medical for Your Co2 Skin Resurfacing?


Our Clinicians have been using CO2 laser since 2008 and are trained to a high standard by consultant plastic surgeons and dermatologists both in the UK and USA. We first started using the Active FX and Deep FX CO2 laser manufactured by Lumenis and recently upgraded to our new MiXto which has proven to be highly effective in terms of patient outcomes and less downtime.

Our practitioners have recently undertaken advanced one-on-one training by a specialist consultant dermatologist in New York to collaborate on enhancing treatment techniques and patient experience.

The MiXto CO2 laser is the gold standard in the USA for skin resurfacing, with a considerable number of plastic surgeons and dermatologists offering these specialist treatments. Skin Medical, at this time of writing, is the only provider within the UK to offer the MiXto micro fractional CO2 Laser.

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment you can request a call back using the form on the right, or call one of our clinics:

Manchester – 0161 839 7663

Leeds – 01133 230 735

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